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Editorial Board
Chief Editor
Ruslan R. Safin , professor, doctor of technical Sciences, head of the Department of architecture and design of wood products of Kazan national research technological University;
Member of the Regional coordinating Council on contemporary problems of wood science;
Member of the Presidium of the Committee of Russian Union of scientific and engineering public associations for the drying and hydrothermal processing of materials.
New technological processes and equipment developed by Professor R. R. Safin are published in more than 210 scientific papers, widely known to the public and implemented at the enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan. Developments of Safin R. R. are protected by 30 RF patents for inventions. 15 Candidates of Sciences and 2 Doctor of technical Sciences are released under his leadership.
Research interests:
• drying of capillary porous colloidal materials;
• thermo modification and protection of wood and wood-based materials;
• development and research of new wood-filled composite materials.
Contact information:
e-mail: cfaby@mail.ru
work phone: (843) 231-89-42
mob. phone: +7-904-763-52-89
Deputy Editor
Evgeny Yu. Razumov, doctor of technical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of woodworking of Volga state University of technology.
The author of over 50 scientific papers and has 8 patents on inventions; gives lectures in the Czech University of life Sciences in Prague.
Research interests:
• innovative ways of processing wood.
The developed technologies have been activated in the Republic of Mari El, Moscow region and the Czech Republic. Evgeny Yu. Razumov has a wide theoretical knowledge and extensive production experience.
Contact information:
e-mail: evgeny.razumov2011@yandex.ru
tel: +7-902-329-80-98
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Vladimir N. Bashkirov
Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Wood
Kazan National Research Technological University
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Galina S. Varankina
Professor of the Department of Technology of Materials, Structures and Structures from Wood
St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov
Doctor of Sciences Ruslan S. Davletbaev
Professor of the Department of Materials Science, Welding and Industrial Safety
Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev - KAI
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Alexander A. Lukash
Professor of the Department of Woodworking Technology
Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Petr M. Mazurkin
Professor of the Department of Environmental Engineering
Volga State Technological University
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Boris M. Rybin
Professor of the Department of Wood Science and Woodworking Technology
Mytishchi branch of MSTU. Bauman
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Stanislav N. Rykunin
Professor of the Department of Wood Science and Woodworking Technology
Mytishchi branch of MSTU. Bauman
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Rushan G. Safin
Head of the Department of Wood Materials Processing
Kazan National Research Technological University
Doctor of Science Igor M. Serzhanov
Director of the Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology and Land Management
Kazan State Agrarian University
Doctor of Sciences Alexander A. Tambi
Professor of the Department of Technology and Equipment of the Forestry Complex
Arctic State Agrotechnical University
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Nail F. Timerbaev
Head of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Doctor of Sciences Andrey A. Titunin
Head of the Department of logging and wood processing industries
Kostroma State University
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Sergey A. Ugryumov
Professor of the Department of Technology of Logging Production
St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov
Doctor of Sciences Ruslan R. Khasanshin
Professor of the Department of Architecture and Design of Wood Products
Kazan National Research Technological University
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Evgeny M. Tsarev
Professor of the Department of Technology and Equipment of Forestry Production
Volga State Technological University
Doctor of Sciences, prof. Mikhail M. Chernykh
Professor of the Department of Technology of Industrial and Artistic Processing of Materials
Izhevsk State Technical University. M.T. Kalashnikov